Season Concerts

Música y palabras:
Orozco / Goikoetxea / Wilkening

Sep 27, 2024
5:00 PM
Mozart Residence, Tanzmeistersaal
Wheelchair space

Email contact:

Stefan Wilkening


  • Valentina Orozco (Mozart's „Costa” Violin)
  • Carlos Goikoetxea (Mozart's Walter piano)
  • Stefan Wilkening (Recitator)


Music by Mozart

From his first ‘foreign’ trip to Munich to his travels to then distant countries such as France, England and Italy, much of what we know today about Wolfgang Amadé and his family has been passed down from the lively correspondence with which the Mozarts documented their eventful endeavours. Whether illnesses, strange drinks, different dishes or simply homesickness: the Mozart family also experienced the same things on their travels as travellers do today. And so it is not surprising that Mozart was inspired to write many of his important works en route, not least thanks to the many new acquaintances he made with musicians.

Concept: Anja Morgenstern