Mozart Bibliography
The database also includes all of the titles included in the Mozart Bibliography that appeared in print until 1998. It currently lists around 29,000 titles and may be accessed directly via the library’s online catalogue. Works that are not in the Bibliotheca Mozartiana are indicated as such in the online entry by means of the wording “No copies present in the Bibliotheca Mozartiana”.
Work on the online Mozart Bibliography is funded by the Region of Salzburg.
Additions to the Mozart Bibliography
The International Mozarteum Foundation invites writers and academics with an interest in Mozart to write to the following address in order to report gaps in the Bibliography and to suggest additional entries:
International Mozarteum Foundation
Bibliotheca Mozartiana
Schwarzstraße 26
A-5020 Salzburg
email: senigl@mozarteum.at
History of the Mozart Bibliography
It was in 1962 that Otto Schneider and Anton Algatzy first published an extensive list of writings on Mozart in their Mozart-Handbuch. Their bibliography ran to 2,900 titles. In 1975 the International Mozarteum Foundation decided to publish a bibliography every five years covering the life and works of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart and his family circle. Six volumes appeared between 1976 and 1998. Their editors were Rudolph Angermüller, Otto Schneider, Therese Muxeneder and Johann Senigl.
These printed volumes list around 18,700 titles, all of which are also included in the Bibliotheca Mozartiana’s online catalogue.