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94 Seconds of New Mozart – The Allegro in D major for Piano, K. 626b/16
The sensation on Mozart's 265th birthday – An unknown Mozart piece is heard for the first time: 94 Seconds of New Mozart – The Allegro in D major for Piano, K. 626b/16
The digital Mozartwoche 2021 starts tomorrow, on Mozart’s 265th birthday, with a special concert event and presents “94 seconds of new Mozart”, an extraordinary discovery – a previously unknown Mozart piece. The Allegro in D major K. 626b/16 will be introduced by Mozartwoche artistic director Rolando Villazón in talk with the director of research of the Mozarteum Foundation Ulrich Leisinger and will be performed for the first time as a world premiere by pianist Seon-Jin Cho in the Mozarteum’s Great Hall. This concert will be broadcast on January 27 on the streaming platforms fidelio and DG Stage at 6 pm and on medici tv at 9 pm. In addition, the premiere video can be followed free of charge at 7 p.m. on social media, including Deutsche Grammophon’s YouTube channel and the Mozarteum Foundation’s social media channels (Facebook Mozarteum Foundation & Mozart Week and Instagram Mozarteum Foundation & Mozart Week).
The Mozart autograph was acquired by the Mozarteum Foundation from private ownership before the COVID pandemic; it is a piano piece that the composer most likely wrote down at the age of 17 in early 1773 at the end of his third trip to Italy or immediately after returning to Salzburg.
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PW: Mozart2021
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On the official press photo from left: Ulrich Leisinger (director of research Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg), Rolando Villazón (artistic director Mozart Week), Seong-Jin Cho (pianist), Johannes Honsig-Erlenburg (president Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg).