Dr. Nikolaus Faulstroh
Lead Sponsoring & Development
Tel: +43 (0) 662 889 409 43
Villa Vicina
Schwarzstraße 30
5020 Salzburg
You may choose to support our activities – which largely has to live without public subsidies – without specifying a purpose, or you may select a particular field, such as the purchase of Mozart manuscripts, maintenance of the original instruments, a concert, or our projects for children and young people.
You are welcome to support the activities of our institution with a general donation, then your money will be used where it is most needed.
We will be glad to discuss personally with you what form of support you might wish to offer, and to provide details about donation receipts.
Donate for projects
In some cases, very specific projects touch the hearts of our supporters.
At the request of many, we now make it possible for our donors and supporters to specify the nature of their donation: If you feel especially connected to a particular project, you are able to express this through a project donation.
We will be glad to discuss personally with you what form of support you might wish to offer, and to provide details about donation receipts.
Donate for Commemoration, Legacy Donations
With a testament- or memorial-donation to our non-profit association you leave a lasting mark after your passing and posthumously support cultural activity in the spirit of Mozart.
You thereby make long-term projects and activities possible and support the things that were dear to your heart during your lifetime.
We will be glad to discuss personally with you what form of support you might wish to offer, and to provide details about donation receipts.
Donations Information
We will be glad to discuss personally with you what form of support you might wish to offer, and to provide details about donation receipts.
Dr. Nikolaus Faulstroh
Lead Sponsoring & Development
Tel: +43 (0) 662 889 409 43
Fax: +43 (0) 662 889 40 50
Villa Vicina
Schwarzstraße 30
5020 Salzburg
Mag. Elke Tontsch
Sponsoring Assistence / Fundraising
Tel. +43-662-88940940
Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum
Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co. AG
IBAN: AT98 1953 0001 0009 5799
For credit card payments, we would ask you to give details by telephone:
The Society Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum was added to the list of tax exemptible institutions at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Austria (registration nbr. KK3301)
In order to take advantage of tax-deductibility, we would ask you to pay by check, to the address below:
American Friends of the International Foundation Mozarteum
501(c)(3) organization, attn: Mario R. Mercado,
FDR Station, P.O. Box 24, New York, NY 10150
The Society „Freunde der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum e.V.“ Bad Reichenhall is entitled to issue donation receipts.
Freunde der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum e.V. Bad Reichenhall
IBAN: DE25 7102 0072 0372 7174 75
The Society Verein Meetingpoint Mozart is entitled to issue donation receipts.
Purpose of Donation: Salzburg Mozarteum Foundation
Verein Meetingpoint Mozart, Zürich
Zürcher Kantonalbank
IBAN: CH82 0070 0110 0063 9327 8